Review - Annas Pepparkakor milk chocolate
Christmas is afoot and this means Annas pepparkakor starts to become as ubiquitous as t...
Review - Annas Pepparkakor milk chocolate
Christmas is afoot and this means Annas pepparkakor starts to become as ubiquitous as t...
Life is full of surprises, so is Marabou. Marabou to me is no more than chocolate for t...
Review - Surströmming flavoured chocolate
13th of November, 2018.This day stamped a turning point on my quest for experiencing an...
Steve brought to my attention this “lemon” flavored KitKat. I’m conflicted, I didn’t kn...
Review - Gunpowder Irish Gin Milk Chocolate
Claire presented me with this interesting piece of chocolate from Ireland, a Gunpowder ...
Review - Some greek chocolate Zoë brought me
Zoë brought me this lonely chocolate from her trip to Greece. It was a bit melty from t...
Every beginning starts with a dream and the dream that led to this beginning is the cha...